FWB: Friends With Benefits Page 2
“It’s, not surprising considering how much we talk, that you being a generalizing ass does not even phase me.” she said trying to break up the uncomfortable and very confusing moment. “I am hungry. Are we going out or staying in for lunch?” Sabrina said starting to take stuff out of her suitcase and placing it in the closet and drawers.
“Out! We are going on a picnic right after we drop JJ off at my mom’s for Grandparents day,” Jason said as he was walking toward the door of the bedroom. “Change out of those hot clothes and I will wait for you downstairs,” he finished as he was almost out the door.
“Hey! How did you know I wanted to change?” Sabrina said looking at him in amazement.
“Like I said, you’re a woman,” he said winking and leaving the room.
“Jesus, be a pack of condoms and a pair of handcuffs,” Sabrina said as her pussy did a flip as she sat down on the bed. ‘Why did I have to get turned on by Jason? Jason, of all people; the one man in the world who would never be interested in me and has sworn off any semblance of love,’ she thought as she pulled on a pair of denim shorts and an “I am a Curvy Goddess” t-shirt to change into out of her suitcase. ‘Regardless of how sexy I think Jason is there would never be anything between us,’ Sabrina said snapping herself back to reality. She put on a pair of cognac colored gladiator sandals and removed all her makeup because she was sure it would run in the Texas heat and just put on some lip gloss. Sabrina went looking for Jason to see if he needed any help with the picnic basket and stopped short when he saw a picture of Jason, JJ and his wife, Casey. They were all smiling. Sabrina could see in Jason’s eyes that he was happy and in love. They were sitting in what looked like a park, with JJ sitting on his mom’s lap and Jason sitting behind her smiling the biggest grin she had ever seen. The picture tore at Sabrina’s heart. She knew that Jason would never have that picture hanging in his home because of what she had done to him but because he wanted their son to have nothing but fond memories of her. When Sabrina finally found the fellas, Jason was packing the picnic basket and JJ was asking a million questions going a mile a minute.
“Hi, Mrs. Benson. You ready to have a picnic?” JJ asked her jumping off of the stool he was sitting on and running to her. Sabrina leaned over and swooped him up into her arms. “I sure am,” Sabrina said swinging JJ around and tickling him. JJ squealed in happiness.
“She is ready but you are not,” Jason said to his son, “you are going to Nana’s for your sleep-over so go get your backpack.”
“Daaaddiieee!” JJ said whining. “I want to go on a picnic with Miss Brina!” JJ said stomping his foot.
“Really, J?” Jason asked his son giving him a stern look of warning. “Don’t...” he started to finish when Sabrina cut him off.
“Hey, JJ, can you do something for me?” Sabrina said to JJ, sitting him back on the floor.
“Yup!” JJ said jumping around already out of his whine mode.
“If I go alone with boring old Daddy over there on a picnic today,” she started, “will you go on a picnic with just me and you tomorrow?” she finished asking him. JJ immediately started jumping up and down in excitement realizing he had to get permission before he answered. He turned and looked at his dad pleading for permission without saying a word.
“Boring OLD Dad?” Jason said looking at them both. Neither of them felt the need to change the tag line. Throwing his hands in the air Jason said, “I cannot win today. Yes, J, you can go with Miss Brina tomorrow on a picnic,” he said going on to finish packing the picnic basket as JJ ran down the hall screaming, “YEAH, YEAH, I am going on a private picnic with Miss Brina!!”
Laughing, Sabrina turned to Jason, “Do you need any help?” as she walked up to look inside the wicker picnic basket.
“OLD!” Jason said turning toward her with a look of pain of his face.
“Are you mad?” Sabrina said to him in complete shock and on the verge of laughter. Was he really upset that she had teased him to get JJ to agree to miss out on what he thought would be fun?
“HELL YEAH I AM MAD!” Jason yelled at her throwing a container of green grapes into the basket.
“I am NOT OLD! Who are you calling old?” Jason finished pointing at her. Laughing in disbelief, Sabrina shook her head.
“I don’t believe this! You are mad because I teased you a little to keep JJ from getting upset about not going with us on what he undoubtedly thinks will be a fun time without him and you are MAD?” she finished standing there with her hands on her hips looking at him like she was ready to clock him for yelling at her.
‘Damn! I want to kiss you! I want to take your curvy sexy ass and throw you on top of this counter and show you how fucking old I am!’ Jason was thinking. Where was this coming from? Ever since he had seen her in person and she punched him in the face all he had wanted to do was fuck her blind. ‘This is Sabrina, Jason, what the fuck are you thinking?’ he was asking himself when Sabrina’s voice broke into his thoughts.
“Jason! Are you listening to me?” she yelled snapping him out of his trance.
“YES, I am serious, DAMN IT!” Jason said yelling back at her. “My wife used to call me old and that dick she was fucking for five years was ten years younger than me. I am NOT old! “How would you like it if I said you were high strung?” he finished and the look on her face told him that he had gone too far. Sabrina’s husband had told her she was a control freak and that she needed to loosen up and get a dick in her ass every now and then. That was just one of the many shitty things he had said to her sometimes. Turning and walking in the direction of the room that Jason had put her in, Sabrina said, “I think you need to take me back to the airport so that I can get the next flight home to my son.”
Before she could take two steps, Jason was coming up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her into a bear hug. “Wait! Brina, don’t leave, please. I am sorry. I should not have said that.” Jason’s dick started to get hard and he could feel her ample and delicious ass pressed against his groin as he got another whiff of her perfume. God, it felt good to hold her like this. Leaning his head into the back of hers, he whispered, “Please, Sabrina! Don’t leave, I am so sorry,” he whispered. Pulling out of his arms and turning toward him but still holding one of his hands, Sabrina said, “What is wrong with you?”
Taking a deep breath Jason ran his hands through his hair. “OK, can we be real for a minute?” he asked her.
“Jason, we are always real with each other!” Sabrina said sure that he was about to say that he did not realize how fat she was in the most politically correct manner that he could and was not interested in hanging out this weekend.
Sigh. “Ever since I saw you at that airport today, all I can think about is all the positions I want to get you in and fuck you silly,” Jason blurted out turning toward Sabrina, who was standing in the middle of the room with her mouth wide open. They both were silent for at least two minutes standing there looking at each other before JJ came running into the room.
“Daddy, I am ready to go to Nanas!” JJ said as he jumped at Jason. Jason came out of his sexual trance just in time to catch him.
“Alright, buddy!” Jason said. “Let’s get the picnic basket and get going,” he finished looking over his shoulder at Sabrina who was still standing in the same spot with a look of complete and total shock on her face. ‘Damn it!’ Jason was thinking. ‘I probably have just ruined the best friendship I will ever have with my wandering dick’ but the problem was seeing her had only confirmed for him how beautiful she was inside and out. But if he was honest with himself, he knew there was something different about them lately, at least the past six weeks. He had been trying to convince himself it was that he had finally found a woman that he knew he could trust even if she was just a friend. Jason knew that Sabrina didn’t feel the same way about him. She had never even said if she thought he was attractive to her which, from what he knew of Sabrina that would have been made very clear. Sabrina was very upfront with her
thoughts. ‘So now what, dumb ass?’ he was thinking. ‘Your dick is as hard as a wolverine’s adamantium endoskeleton for your best friend and you leave her a dry as the Sahara.’
“Um, yeah I am coming. Let me grab my purse,” Sabrina said turning to the mahogany cocktail table in Jason’s living room and grabbing her purse.
“Brina, can you sit in the back seat with me?” JJ said to Sabrina running up and grabbing her hand.
“Of course, JJ, I would love to sit in the back seat with you,” Sabrina said smiling at JJ and walking toward the door.
“Ha! I beat you this time, Daddy,” JJ said to his father as they walked past him.
“Beat me to what?” Jason said.
“Brina is MY girlfriend now. I beat you to her so NO kissing my girlfriend,” JJ said to his dad pointing his finger at him. Sabrina started to laugh and said, “Damn straight, Daddy” as they walked out the front door to the car. Jason had never really been attracted to a curvy figure before. It wasn’t that he did not think that a curvy woman could be sexy as hell but he just had never met one that turned him on. But Sabrina had taken care of all of that. Jason grabbed the picnic basket and adjusted himself in his jeans thinking. ‘I am sorry, son. If I get to kiss BOTH sets of those lips, Daddy is going in,’ as he locked the front door.
“Wow Jason!” Sabrina said looking around the Addison Jones Ranch Historical Park. “This place is amazing!” Jason knew that Sabrina would appreciate the Jones Ranch. The Addison Jones Ranch Historical Park is an internationally recognized living history site that authentically preserves and interprets the four generational storylines of a remarkable Texas family beginning in 1824 and spanning more than 100 years. Just 30 miles southwest of downtown San Antonio, it was located on a 20,000+ acre working ranch featuring historic homes, costumed interpreters and livestock. The Park aims to educate people of all ages about Texas history and the region’s unique heritage through programming that connects and inspires learners of all ages. Visitors to the Jones Ranch Historical Park leave with a greater appreciation and understanding of everyday family life stretching from frontier Texas to the World War II era. Informal immersive experiences provide an environment that allows each guest the time and opportunity for personal reflection. The Ranch is also well known for some of the best county music concerts this side of the Mason Dixon and tonight’s concert was going to be Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. Being a history buff and a little bit of a nerd, Sabrina always liked learning about things that happened in our country’s history, especially the history of African American people. So Jason was finally going to be able to enjoy a cultural outing with a woman that realized the first cowboy was not Clint Eastwood.
“I thought you might like it here,” Jason said reaching out and grabbing her hand as they walked over to a small area that people were setting up nice little areas to picnic and enjoy the music. Jason stopped in an area that was a little more secluded from the other people that were at the park but still close enough to see the stage and get a good glimpse at the show. After Jason had gotten the picnic blanket spread out and popped open a bottle of wine, they both sat down and started to nibble on some of the delicious fruits, breads and cheeses that he had put in the basket.
“So are we going to act like you didn’t say what you said at the house all night?” Sabrina said to him as she popped a grape into her mouth.
“Said what?” Jason said trying to pretend like he had no idea what she was talking about.
“Really Jason?” Sabrina said looking at him “If we are not anything to each other we are real and don’t play games. What was that all about?”
Sigh. “I don’t know, let me ask you this. Have you ever thought of me romantically or sexually at all?” Jason said turning toward her on the blanket. Taking a moment to think before she answered, Sabrina said, “Relationship No, Sexual attraction, Sure. I mean I would have to be blind not to be attracted to you. You are sexy as hell,” she said biting into a piece of cheese.
“WAIT, WHAT?” Jason said sitting his wine glass down and getting up on his knees looking at her. “You think I am sexy? And you didn’t say anything?” he said to her in disbelief.
“No, why would I?” Shelby said to him. “First, you are not ever going to be in a relationship. You have already made that clear and while I am not as drastic as you are with saying NEVER, I know that I am not ready for one right now either. Then there is the thing of us being friends; friends don’t sleep together, hence, men and women all around the world are being afraid of being put into the ‘friend’ zone. What would be the point in saying anything to you about something that does not have an opportunity of happening?” she finished.
“That’s bullshit, Brina!” Jason said, waving her off. “Have you ever heard of a little thing called FWB?” Jason said to her taking a sip of his wine and winking at her.
“What the hell is FWB, Jason?” Sabrina said laughing a little to herself. “Is this another one of those made up freak abbreviations that no one knows but you?”
“Friends With Benefits, smart ass!” Jason said laughing. “We could fuck whenever we wanted and keep our friendship if you were really attracted to me. So in my humble opinion, that excuse is bullshit.” Laughing and leaning back on the blanket Sabrina said, “You are so full of shit, Jason. If you wanted to fuck me, why not say something before now? Better yet, if you wanted to fuck me now, what are you waiting for?” she said waiving her hand in front of her. “There is nothing but space and opportunity. But you won’t do anything because I don’t have the type of figure you like,” she finished looking at him out of the corner of her eye daring him to say she was not right.
“Shhiittt, woman if we were not in the middle of a historic park, I would be all up in that sexy ass right now,” Jason said taking another sip of his wine.
Looking around to see if there was anyone that could see them, Sabrina sat up briefly and took off her t-shirt. Jason’s eyes grew wide.
"What are you doing?" he said looking around.
"I’m taking your excuses away from you.”
Jason shook his head at her as he was taking off his T-shirt. Sabrina laid down beside him. Jason rolled toward her and pushed up onto one arm, propping his head up on his hand. Jason’s free hand began to gently trace over her skin.
Sabrina’s nipples were soon hard, even the heat of the sun on them couldn’t change that. Jason leaned in and kissed the breast closest to him, still teasing the other with his fingertips.
"Heavenly!" he said as he sat up next to her, moving in close. Now both hands were running over her ever so gently. Sabrina was both relaxed and turned on. Jason reached further down and pulled her shorts down her thighs a bit. Glancing around, he slid his hand between her legs. When he saw that she had no panties to get in his way, he snickered and whispered, "You're naughty!" Sabrina figured that Jason thought she was just teasing, so to show him she was as ready as he was, she spread her legs a bit. Jason wasted no time finding that spot on her body that he could work his magic and drive her crazy.
Sabrina grabbed his arm in protest. "Don’t start anything you are not going to finish," she said already breathless. "Shhhhhh. Relax." Jason replied. Jason could feel her body’s reaction to his intimate touch and took full advantage. Repeatedly, he gets her just to the edge and then backs off. Sabrina was plenty wet, but Jason enjoyed teasing her but wouldn’t let her cum.
Sabrina reached for him, partially out of frustration wanting to tease him too. Sabrina found the "Admiral" (as Jason liked to call his dick) straining against the denim of his shorts. Once again, Jason had her just to that point as she had a firm grip on his package. Jason backs off again, chuckling a bit as he sensed her frustration.
Sabrina sat up and pushed her shorts all the way down. Sabrina didn’t say a word but pushed him down onto his back and started running her fingers over his chest and stomach. Jason is in heaven; he is enjoying the warm sun and Sabrina’s light touch. She traced down his che
st, over his stomach and gave the Admiral a bit of a massage. That low motorboat sound escaped his lips.
As she reached for his zipper, Jason’s eyes flew open and he grabbed her arm. "What are you doing?" he said looking around. "Shhhhhh. Relax," Sabrina teased. She glanced around. She was blocking the view on one side; the picnic basket and small cooler was blocking the view on the other. She left his shorts on buttoned; just the zipper was undone. Shelby reached in carefully and guided the Admiral out of the hole. “You aren't the only one who has been paying attention,” Sabrina whispered to him. ‘I know just what to do, when and how to get you there,’ she was thinking. A few strokes and that sweet precum appeared at the tip of the Admiral. Sabrina resisted the urge to lick it off and instead spread it over the head and then covered it with her palm. More motorboat sounds came from Jason as Sabrina concentrated on the head of his dick.
Jason started to rock his hips a bit, his stomach muscles contracting as he pushed up and into her hand just a bit. All at once Sabrina stopped completely. Once again, Jason’s eyes flew open. Sabrina was glancing around as she was getting up off the ground. "What? Where are you going?" Jason asked.
"Shhhhhh; nowhere. Lie down and enjoy." Sabrina stood over him, straddling him. Jason couldn’t believe what she was going to do. Sabrina squatted down onto him, reaching between them, guiding his dick inside her. No one was the wiser. They couldn’t move a lot. Sabrina focused and her pussy contracted around his dick. Jason pushed up into her a bit further, throbbing inside her.
Sabrina looked around, seeing no one as she started to ride him. "Damn! You always feel so good so fast,” he said. Sabrina kept trying to watch for people but soon she didn’t even care. Jason came hard and fast just in time because a man and his dog were walking in their direction. Sabrina quickly regained her composure and sat up straight on top of him.