FWB: Friends With Benefits Read online

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  Sabrina continued running her fingers over his chest. Her juices coated his dick and she squeezed every now and then, just to tease him. The man walked past, smiling at them. Once he was past, Sabrina slowly rose up and then sank back down onto him. Jason had his fingers dug into her thighs since he came. Sabrina was close herself but had to stop. Sabrina watched the man and the dog disappear into the distance.

  She leaned down and kissed him long and deep. As she sat up straight again, she told him, "my turn!” She took his hands and guided them to her breasts as she started to ride him once again. Jason still couldn’t believe they were doing that there, but he was willing to go with it. Sabrina had him sliding in and out of her, his hips pushing up to meet her each time. She put her hands over his on her breasts. Sabrina loved the feel of his hands on her. The motorboat sounds were all but gone, replaced by Jason’s quickened breath and shorter, smaller moans. Sabrina urged him on. "Please, baby. Cum inside me. Please?" As always, Jason aimed to please and soon accommodated. His grasp on her breasts got tighter. He pushed up into her one last time, hard, and held her there. Sabrina could feel each hot, squirt inside her. Jason dropped his hands, opened his eyes and again said to Sabrina, "You're naughty!"

  Sabrina leaned down to kiss him. They got themselves straightened up, packed up and headed for home, big grins on both their faces. Showers were definitely in order.


  “WHAT!” Sabrina’s friend, Natalie, screamed into the phone when she called her the next morning to tell her what had happened. “You fucked the Admiral in the middle of a state park? Ride ’em, Cowgirl!” Natalie said laughing “You have gone to Texas and become a big old hoe!” she finished laughing into the phone.

  “Shhh!” Sabrina said looking around to make sure there was no one coming into her room. She had stepped out onto the balcony to call Natalie to tell her about what had happened between her and Jason the day before and she knew not to put Natalie on speaker phone anywhere inside the house. She did not want everyone to know.

  “Why are you shhh’ing me? I am in Ohio, crazy, he can’t hear me!” Natalie teased her friend.

  “Anyone else but you I would say you are right, Nat, but you are loud and you know it,” Sabrina said quietly into her cell phone.

  “I have to give you that. I can give a good speech at the Million Man March without the megaphone and be heard by everyone there,” Natalie said laughing. “Forget me, what are you going to do now?”

  “Nothing, I am not going to do anything. It was a fuck between friends. It meant nothing,” Sabrina said sitting down in one of the wrought iron patio chairs.

  “Don’t give me that shit, Brina!” Natalie said to her. “You like him as more than just a friend so why not try and see where things can go?”

  “I can give you two very good reasons. One I am not his type and two he does not want a relationship,” Sabrina said. “Jason is a good friend to me and I am not going to risk the friendship for a good fuck. I can get that anywhere.”

  “Ha! You obviously have not had sex with some of these limp dicked assholes that are out here now,” Natalie said. “Good dick is as hard to come by as cheap gas; for real!” she finished laughing.

  “You are so ignorant! Why do I talk to you?” Sabrina said laughing.

  “Cause your life would be empty and humorless without me and face it, the rest of your friends are boring as hell,” Natalie said.

  “That is true,” Sabrina said laughing. “Really, Nat, there is nothing for me to do. Jason wants meaningless sex with every pussy in the United States. He had mine last night and that is that.”

  “Brina, I am sorry,” Natalie said sympathetically.

  “For what? I am a big girl and I knew when I climbed on top of him and fucked him in the park that I am no victim,” Sabrina said to her.

  “Well, I am not going to drop kick you into reality until you get home. So I will say, keep your thong on until you get home for the rest of this trip. OK?” Natalie said to Sabrina.

  “Yes Mom...” Sabrina started to say when she heard. “Brina? Brina, are you having breakfast?” Jason said from down stairs.

  “Yeah, I will be right down!” Sabrina yelled back. “I gotta go, Nat. I will call you tomorrow. Keep your legs closed tonight when you go out with Trent.”

  “You might as well get that out of your mind. If that man gives me a wink, I am riding his tongue like the Lone Ranger,” Natalie said seriously.

  “The Center for Disease Control is going to name a new sexually transmitted disease after your hot ass,” Shelby said laughing. “Bye, fool,” she said as they hung up.

  Sabrina decided to go ahead and go to breakfast in her Silk Kimono robe so that she would not keep Jason and JJ waiting.

  “Good Mor...” Sabrina was saying as she came down the stairs but stopped short when she saw the spread that was laid out for them for breakfast with a bouquet of pink roses as the centerpiece. Jumping from behind the table, JJ screamed, “Happy Morning, Brina!”

  “Oh my God!” Brina said picking JJ up and kissing his cheeks and neck. “Happy morning to you too, JJ. Did you make all this food?” she asked him pretending to be amazed that he could make pancakes, bacon, eggs, fresh fruit bowl and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

  “No silly!” JJ said squirming out of her arms. “Daddy made it for us. He said he wanted to do something special for you,” he finished climbing into his seat at the table.

  “Oh well I am so sorry. Thank you, Daddy,” Sabrina said smiling at Jason.

  “Don’t call me Daddy unless you mean it,” Jason said to her as he winked and started to cut up JJ pancakes. Clearing her throat, Sabrina sat down in the chair that Jason had pulled out for her when she had first come down the stairs.

  “Wow, Jason, this all looks so good,” she said cutting her own pancakes. “I insist that I do the dishes after breakfast.”

  “Shit. So do I,” Jason said to her laughing as he sat down in his chair. The three of them fell into a comfortable conversation as they ate breakfast. Jason could not help but think how good it felt to be a family again. JJ and Sabrina got along like Sabrina had given birth to him. There was never any of the Miss Prissy apprehension that some of the women had when meeting JJ. Sabrina was so into JJ and getting to know him. Loving and fun, maybe it was because of Noah. Even if Sabrina had no kids, she would be awesome with JJ.

  “Have you talked to Noah this morning?” he asked her as she was trading grapes for cantaloupe with JJ.

  “I did!” Sabrina said taking a sip of her OJ. “We did FaceTime this morning. He is having a BLAST with his grandparents. I don’t think he even really notices I am gone.”

  Putting his fork down, JJ put his hands under his cheeks and started to pout. “What’s the matter, JJ?” Sabrina said to him rubbing her hand up and down his back.

  “I don’t want you to go!” JJ said. “Can’t you stay here with me and Daddy and be my Mommy?” JJ whined to Sabrina. JJ was the sweetest and cutest little boy with his light brown curly hair and ocean blue eyes. She looked over at Jason for help, but he looked more shocked then she did at what JJ was saying.

  “JJ, do you miss your mommy?” Sabrina said. Jason seemed to be in a state of shock.

  “NO! I don’t really remember my momma,” JJ said swinging his legs and fidgeting in his chair “BUT, Cody and Brent have a momma and they said I am weird because I don’t have one,” JJ finished looking at Sabrina with tears in his eyes. Picking him up and sitting him in her lap, Sabrina cuddled JJ for a minute and then said, “JJ, you are not weird because your momma is not here. It actually makes you very special, because your momma is your guardian angel. She is always with you and watching over you to make sure when you REALLY need her… she is here,” she pointed to his heart.

  “So Momma is here?” he said pointing to his heart.

  “She sure is,” Sabrina said smiling.

  “So does that mean you don’t want to be my momma?” JJ asked her.
/>   “Absolutely NOT! I would LOVE to be your momma. JJ, you are a very wonderful little boy! But Daddy and I would have to love each other for me to be your momma and we don’t feel that way about each other. I will be your VERY special friend who will always be there for you!” Sabrina said.

  “Daddy, you don’t love Brina?” JJ asked his dad giving him a very stern and disappointed look.

  “I love Brina very much, J,” Jason said calmly shocking Sabrina. She looked at him quickly trying to gage why he would tell JJ that and the look on his face told her that he was serious.

  “SEE DADDY DOES LOVE YOU!” JJ said wiggling in her lap! “SO YOU CAN BE MY MOMMY.” Giving Jason the death stare, Sabrina wrapped JJ in a bear hug stood up and swung him around. “How about you and I go for a quick walk around the yard so we can talk and you can show me all your favorite hideout spots?” Brina said tickling him as she talked.

  “Daddy, can me and Brina go for a walk in our jammies?” JJ said excitedly to his dad.

  “Sure, buddy! But your breakfast is gonna get cold,” Jason said winking at Brina. He didn’t think that she realized her robe had fallen open and that he could see her large round chocolate breasts covered in the coral colored lace bra and her belly button. ‘She had a belly button ring? I didn’t see that yesterday? Well, I didn’t see much yesterday but those two orgasms she made me have in less than thirty minutes,’ he was thinking. ‘But why didn’t SHE tell me she had one?’ he thought.

  “I will make us something when we come back. Ok?” Sabrina said to JJ realizing her robe was open but absolutely sure she was turning no one on. She sat JJ down who darted for the back door and she closed her robe and tied it tighter. Walking past Jason she said, “We are gonna talk about that ‘I love Brina’ shit throwing me under the bus!” Sabrina said slapping him lightly on the back of his head.

  “Yeah, at the same time that we talk about that belly button ring,” Jason said half under his breath.


  Sabrina and JJ had played in the yard talking for over an hour. When they had finally gone in the house, Jason was asleep on the patio. Sabrina had made her and JJ some breakfast and put together a quick lunch for later. She had also managed to help JJ clean his room, which was almost like an act of congress Jason had said when he woke up. The three of them spent the rest of the day hanging out together. Sabrina had to go to the mall to get pair of shoes for her “blind date” that evening. The more excited about the evening that Sabrina got, the more of an ass Jason started to act until finally Sabrina had had enough when they got back to the house. “What the fuck is your problem?” Brina said to him as he was coming out of JJ’s room laying him down for his nap.

  “Really? Really Brina?” Jason said walking up to her purposefully getting nose to nose. “We fuck… but good I might add, in the park yesterday and today you are getting ready to go on a date with one of my good friends and I am supposed to be excited about it?!” Jason yelled at her. Stepping back from him so that she did not kick him in his balls which was the usual reaction that she had to a man getting in her face.

  “Excuse me, Captain, sex is just sex. What are you talking about? We did the, what was the acronym you used yesterday, FWB,” Shelby yelled back at him with her hands on her hips. “Where in the rules of that does it say that I cannot fuck who, what, where and when I want after fucking you in a park?” she finished, crossing her arms over her breasts. Before Sabrina knew it, Jason had her pinned against a wall. He had her breast cupped in the palm of her hand and was lightly flicking her nipple with his tongue, caressing it through her silk sun dress and sucking it gently as his other hand traveled south, over her belly. Jason slowly undid the clasp of her halter and his strong hands slid over her damp panties, rubbing her stiff and swollen clit through the fabric of her panties. Sabrina moaned and Jason placed his finger over her lips telling her to stay quiet as he slid his finger around her panties and into her wet pussy.

  Sabrina’s hand ventured to the crotch of his jeans and felt the growing bulge there, causing him to groan. He unfastened his shorts and revealed his obvious arousal.

  "What are you doing?" she asked. "I was just wondering..." as Sabrina’s voice trailed off nervously. Suddenly, he leaned forward and kissed her again. Instead of resisting, Sabrina found herself melting against his lips and kissing him back passionately. A little surprised, Jason responded to her passion by holding her tightly to him.

  Something inside of Sabrina snapped then and she pushed him onto the desk, ripping her dress all the way off, "I need you!"

  Jason grabbed her by her waist and laid her down on the carpeted floor. Sabrina moaned as she felt his hot breath where no man had been for so long and ran her fingers over his hair, forcing him closer. Jason groaned as he licked and tasted her. Sucking on her clit, he inserted his fingers into her wet pussy and her hips bucked as she climaxed.

  Climbing over her, Jason kissed her as he began to tease her throbbing clit with the head of his penis, hard and throbbing with his arousal. When he entered her, she climaxed yet again, biting his shoulder to keep from screaming out loud. He thrusted into her over and over, rocking her to her core with orgasm after orgasm as she writhed beneath him.

  When Jason climaxed, he pulled out and squirted all over her belly and chest. He collapsed and lay beside her. For a while all was silent. Sabrina looked at the wet spot they left on the carpet, then looking over at him lying there all sexy sweaty and naked, "So," she said, “Does this mean you DON’T want me to go on the date?” Laughing, she rolled away before he could spank her ass. Grabbing for her as she tried to cover herself with her dress, Jason said, “If you can walk in two hours when I am done with you, you are welcome to go.” He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder squealing as he carried her into his bedroom and closed the door. They spent the next two and a half hours fucking on every surface in his room. Jason spent more than an hour on her pussy, licking, sucking and pleasing her in ways that she never imagined. Just as Jason was drifting off to sleep, JJ knocked on the bedroom door. “Daddy, I am hungry.” Getting up and putting her dress on, Sabrina went out of the bedroom and fed JJ. As he ate, JJ kept smiling at Sabrina. “What are you smiling at, bug?” Sabrina asked.

  “I saw you come out of Daddy’s room. Daddy’s friends NEVER go in there. It’s only in the visitor room,” he said smiling an ‘I know a secret’ kid grin. “I told you, you would be my new mommy,” JJ finished smiling as he ran to play, done with his food.

  ‘NEVER!’ Sabrina was thinking. He never took anyone into his bedroom? She knew that Jason had at least two women a weekend since she had known him. What had made her so special?

  Jason had been acting weird since her first day there. He was saying things that he had never said to her before. Now they were having sex in the bed he had only made love to his wife in. What was going on?

  Could he have changed his mind? Could he want to try and have a relationship again? Maybe. Sabrina had never believed Jason protests that he would never be in another relationship. He had too much love and care to give. But she knew that was a realization that he would have to come to on his own. ‘Had he?’ she thought. ‘Had he changed his mind about wanting a relationship? Did he want one? Did he want one with her? Did she want one with him for that matter?’ Sabrina thought.

  Sitting there thinking about Jason and how special she knew he really was, she realized that yes, she could want a relationship with him. She could care about him. She DID care about him! ‘I have got to get the hell out of here,’ Shelby said to herself. While JJ was distracted by his video game, Shelby went to the room her things were in and packed as quickly as she could while she was on the phone with the airline changing her plane ticket. She sent a text to Natalie. “Be at the airport tonight at 11:30 pm to pick me up, I am coming home. I will explain when I get there,” was all she said. She took her suitcase out to the porch and sat it down and called for a cab. She then sat down at the table and wrote Jason a note. Just as sh
e was finished, she heard the cab honk his horn. She went to the door and waved at him so that he did not keep honking and went to sit next to JJ. Putting him in her lap, she said, “Buddy, I have to get back home. I have something really, really important that I need to do and I have to go now. I need you to come and watch out the window and as soon as I am in the cab and we drive down the street I need you to run into Daddy’s room and wake him up and tell him I had to leave. Ok?”

  Nodding his head and hugging her neck, JJ said, “Ok, you will come back and see us right?” hugging her tighter.

  “I promise, JJ, you will see me again ok?” she said looking him in the eye.

  Sabrina kissed and hugged him and stood up, grabbed her purse and left. As he had been told, JJ ran to the window, watched the cab drive down the street and when he thought it was time, he ran like the Tasmanian devil into his dad’s room jumping on the bed.

  “DADDY, DADDY, DADDY!” JJ said “Brina left. She went home. She said to tell you bye.”

  “WHAT!” Springing out of the bed not realizing that he was still naked, Jason ran down the hall to the room that Sabrina was supposed to be in and saw that her suitcase and clothes were gone.

  Laughing and standing in the door of the guest room, JJ said, “Daddy, I can see your pee pee and your boom boom!” as he fell on the floor holding his stomach. Realizing he was naked, Jason ran to his room pulled on some boxers and basketball shorts. He went into the living room and grabbed the note that was on the table with his name on it.


  I don’t know what happened here this weekend but I feel like things have changed. I don’t think that it’s a good idea for me to stay the rest of the weekend. I will call you when I can. Don’t be mad.